Webinar: Investment promotion and facilitation in Kazakhstan: National strategy and potential for regional co-operation
On June 3, 2021, we pleased to invite to the OECD webinar “Investment promotion and facilitation in Kazakhstan: National strategy and potential for regional co-operation”. The webinar was organized with the support of “National company “KAZAKH INVEST” JSC.
This webinar provides a platform for discussion between Kazakhstan and its OECD and Eurasia peers, to discuss national strategies to attract foreign investment in times of COVID-19 and the potential for regional collaboration among IPAs. Representatives of the Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency and of the Investment Office of Turkey will share their experiences and insights on ways to respond to the current effects of the pandemic on FDI. Kazakhstan and its peers from Eurasia will engage in a dialogue and share their thoughts on how IPAs could co-operate to attract more investment in the region. Prior to the exchanges, the OECD will provide a background presentation, including the results of the OECD IPA survey in Kazakhstan.
To participate in the event, please register at the following link https://meetoecd1.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0vce2tqzktHNerYbFA8tBqLgSoVgU2W2xK