Over 520 jobs to be created in Ekibastuz by new ferroalloy plant

Under the chairmanship of Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov held a regular meeting of the State Commission on Economic Modernization.
The participants discussed the construction of a ferroalloy plant in Ekibastuz city, Pavlodar region. The project with the capacity of 80 thousand tons of ferrosilicon per year will create more than 520 permanent jobs and increase Kazakhstan's exports of these products to Japan, South Korea, USA, Turkey and European countries. The volume of investments under the project will amount to more than 113 billion tenge, the term of commissioning is 2025.
At the same time, topical issues of further development of oil fields were considered. Such directions as increase of production efficiency, creation of workplaces and provision of service companies with necessary volumes of works were touched upon.
In addition, the members of the State Commission discussed approaches to updating the Comprehensive Privatization Plan for 2021-2025. In particular, they considered updated criteria for inclusion and exclusion of objects of sale, as well as proposals for the transfer of a number of assets to a competitive environment. Thus, the transfer of Qazaq Air to a competitive environment is planned for 2024.
Source: Official Information Source of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan